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    2019年, 第42卷, 第3期 刊出日期:2019-05-20 上一期   
    本期栏目: 语言研究  翻译研究  书评 
    Scalar Alternatives and Scalar Inference Involving Adjectives: A Comment on van Tiel, et al.(2016)
    Louise McNally
    2019 (3):  2-12. 
    摘要 ( 960 )   收藏
    Doran, et al.(2009, 2012) and van Tiel, et al.(2016) have presented experimental evidence that gradable adjectives ( yield scalar inferences ( not cold) significantly less often than do numerals, quantifiers and modals; their data also reveal considerable variability within the class of adjectives in the frequency with which inferences are likely to be generated.Van Tiel, et al.consider two main explanations for this variation:differences among pairs of adjectives in what they call scale distinctness (how easy or difficult it is to differentiate the adjectives), and differences in scale availability (how salient the stronger scalar alternative is).They argue that only scale distinctness plays a role, and a rather small one at that; they leave most of the variation unexplained.In this comment, I argue that their measures of scale availability were too crude to detect a role for contextual variation in the scalar alternatives that subjects consider, but that this latter variation is, in fact, a very plausible part of the explanation for the results.I discuss some specific ways adjectives might yield different scalar alternatives in different contexts, under sufficiently sophisticated assumptions about their lexical semantics and about the rhetorical structure of discourse.
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    Where Semantics Meets Pragmatics: The Incremental Interpretation of Conversational Dialogues
    YU Yue, WU Yicheng
    2019 (3):  13-25. 
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    Due to its intense interactivity and context-dependency, conversation has posed considerable challenges for current context-free grammar frameworks which aim to characterize complete sentences.It is argued in this paper that by placing a high premium on contextuality, conversational utterances, complete or partial, can be characterized straightforwardly.Within the framework of Dynamic Syntax (Kempson et al.2001; Cann et al.2005), both semantic content and linguistic context are characterized dynamically and structurally in tandem, and, conversation is shown to be parsed progressively according to the lexical-input sequence along with a context-based update.The dynamic analysis proposed here not only provides a formal representation for the incremental interpretation of conversational utterances in Mandarin, but captures the parallelism between conversation, ellipsis as well as anaphor, i.e., the context-dependent commonality, in terms of underspecification and update.
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    Situating Mandarin Wh-indefinites in the Typology of Modal Indefinites
    LIU Mingming, CUI Yanyan
    2019 (3):  26-37. 
    摘要 ( 959 )   收藏
    This paper discusses the non-interrogative existential construal of Mandarin wh-items.Different from previous works that mainly focus on distribution of these items (Li, 1992; Lin, 1998; Xie, 2007), the paper emphasizes their interpretation.A wh-indefinite is shown to trigger distinct modal inferences in different contexts.By making comparisons with Spanish algún (Alonso-Ovalle & Menéndez-Benito, 2010), the paper situates Mandarin wh-indefinites in the typology of modal indefinites across languages.
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    The Progressive Aspect as a Polarity Item (Non-)Licenser: A Crosslinguistic Study
    XIE Zhiguo
    2019 (3):  38-46. 
    摘要 ( 960 )   收藏
    By drawing on the most recent literature, I discuss the phenomenon that the progressive aspect in Mandarin Chinese can license wh-indefinites.This observation stands in sharp contrast to the fact that the progressive aspect cannot license negative polarity items in such languages as English and Greek.A key difference between the progressive aspect in English/Greek and that in Mandarin Chinese is the former draws on the occurrence of the associated event, and the latter draws on the non-occurrence of the associated result.This difference determines whether the progressive in a language is veridical or non-veridical, and whether it can license negative polarity items in that language.
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    2019 (3):  47-59. 
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    李旭平, 杨锐
    2019 (3):  60-71. 
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    王莹莹, 邢丽亚
    2019 (3):  72-82. 
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    2019 (3):  83-93. 
    摘要 ( 1945 )   收藏
    形象学视角下的翻译研究主要基于形象学理论框架、以形象作为翻译研究的首要观察因子,聚焦翻译过程中他者形象与自我形象的构建问题。本文拟从该视角出发,首先对沙博理英译《水浒传》(Outlaws of the Marsh)进行系统的内部文本形象分析,发现其如何通过弱化原文的厌女症、屏蔽食人母题以及对江湖文化的改写创造出有差异的性别及文化形象,进而结合《水浒传》在西方译介和传播过程中形象流变的纵轴与沙译本特定的社会历史语境的横轴,从文本、互文和语境三个基本层面系统深入剖析翻译如何构建出有差异的形象,揭示翻译与形象构建之间多维度的关系,探索经典文学外译与中国文学、文化形象塑造之间的相互作用机制。
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    2019 (3):  94-101. 
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    田笑语, 张炜炜
    2019 (3):  102-106. 
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    朱晓真, 刘龙根
    2019 (3):  107-112. 
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