
An Analysis of the Sino-British“Shakespeare Folio Translation Project” Based on the Actor-Network Theory

  • 摘要: 本研究聚焦中英联合开展的大型国际戏剧翻译项目“莎剧舞台本翻译计划”,该项目由英国皇家莎士比亚剧团发起,并由中国各大戏剧机构共同参与,意在创作一套全新的汉译莎剧舞台本并将其搬上中国话剧舞台,现已取得显著成功。研究以行动者网络理论为分析框架,遵循其所倡导的“追踪行动者”原则,采用访谈、实地调研等实证研究方法,考察“莎剧舞台本翻译计划”中众多人类行动者及非人类行动者之间建立联系、构成网络的“转译”程序,剖析特殊翻译工序下不同行动者及行动者网络对译本生产施加的影响,探究该项目取得成功的根本原因,以期作为他山之石为中国戏剧的对外翻译和国际传播提供参考与借鉴。


    Abstract: This research focuses on the success story of the Sino-British “Shakespeare Folio Translation Project”, an international theatre collaboration initiated by the British Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) in association with Chinese theatrical institutions. The project aims to produce new Chinese translations of the First Folio and stage the plays in China. Based on the actor-network theory (ANT), the article analyses the TRANSLATIONANT process involving various human and non-human actors in the translation project, so as to examine the influence exerted by them and the network thus built on the intricate production of the translations, by “following the actors” through interviews and fieldwork. It is hoped that the success of the “Shakespeare Folio Translation Project” can give insights into the current Chinese drama “going global” initiatives.


