
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language Typology

  • 摘要: 从学科渊源看,语言类型学与美国西海岸功能语言学联系最为密切,后来证明它和包括形式主义语言学在内各个语言学流派都可以相互补充、相互借鉴;语言类型学的研究范式和研究成果逐渐被纳入各语言学流派之中,各理论流派为语言类型学研究提供更多的研究参项和理论支撑,不断拓宽语言类型学的研究领域并且提升其理论高度。作为功能语言学的一个重要分支,系统功能语言学与语言类型学同样可以相互借鉴、相互补充。事实上,系统功能语言学路径下的语言类型学(系统功能类型学)作为系统功能语言学的一个应用领域正在兴起。本文对系统功能类型学的渊源、特点和研究方法作一简介,对有待解决的问题进行探讨。


    Abstract: Originally, modern typology is more closely associated with westcoast functional linguistics.It is proved later on that language typology may complement and learn from linguistics of different persuasions (including formal linguistics).Typological perspectives and achievements are increasingly incorporated into different linguistic theories, which in turn may enhance theoretical wellgroundedness of language typology and broaden its research scope by providing theoretical bases and new research parameters.After probing into the liaison between systemic functional linguistics and typology, the position of typology within the map of functional linguistics, the features of systemic functional typology, and its research paradigms, the author argues that systemic functional typology may benefit both systemic functional linguistics and language typology.


