
A Pragmatic Analysis of Deliberate Offensive Utterances in Interpersonal Conflicts

  • 摘要: 冒犯性话语是对人际关系产生负面效应的一种不礼貌现象。基于具有平等地位的夫妻冲突关系下的有意冒犯性话语,本文发现它们在言谈中的相互对撞性和使用目的的蓄意性,说话人可借助责备、嘲讽、詈骂等语言手段去实现有意冒犯,并表达多种语用用意,如阻扰对方、激将对方、表达负面情绪等。研究表明,冒犯性话语充分体现了人际之间的“和谐—挑战取向”,并验证SpencerOatey\9\ 的人际和谐管理模式。


    Abstract: This paper probes into the deliberate offensive utterances in conflict interaction between husband and wife with equal social status from a pragmatic perspective. The utterances are found confrontational and aggressive and their offensiveness is realized by linguistic devices of blaming, ridiculing, threatening and abusing; some negative pragmatic forces are implied in interaction.This study has verified the rapportchallenge orientation of deliberate offensive utterances in interpersonal conflict, thus supports the rapport management framework proposed by SpencerOatey\9\.


