
Studies in Literary Self-translation: Retrospects and Prospects

  • 摘要: 自译是一种特殊的翻译形态,通常指文学作品的自译。文学自译活动在国外有着悠久历史,而在我国则开展相对较晚。但中外学界对自译现象关注较晚。虽然在自译及其范畴界定、自译史研究、研究视角等三大方面已经有所建树,但似还有较大拓展空间:(1)自译概念界说及范畴界定等方面研究还可以有所作为;(2)继续个案研究同时,对同类或跨类自译者作品的比较研究还有很大空间;(3)在文学自译的理论基础、运作机制、主体间性、文本间性以及标准策略等方面的描写性理论研究仍然大有可为。


    Abstract: Self-translation or auto-translation, a kind of translation of special significance, usually refers to the self-translation of literary works.Self-translation began to attract a close attention from the academic circles both at home and abroad only recently.Although some efforts have been made to the study in self-translation in terms of such three aspects as self-translation’s definitions and category demarcation, its history as well as its research perspectives, there are still more to be explored: (1) a further study could be made in definition and category demarcation of self-translation; (2) more studies need to be conducted on comparative analyses among self-translated works by self-translators of the same kind or between the works by the self-translator of one kind and that of the other kind; (3) much more work still could be well worth doing about the descriptive studies in self-translation’s theoretical foundation, operating mechanism, intersubjectivity, intertextuality, criterion and strategy.


