
Defining English Conversational Increments: Problems and Resolutions

  • 摘要: 会话增量是一种新近才被发现的会话现象。目前学界对其识别主要以句法标准为主,忽视了日常言语交际的复杂性与多样性,因此存在较大争议。该研究在相关文献基础上,提出应综合考虑会话增量的序列、句法、韵律和语用等特征,以会话增量与其先发话语之间的语用关系维度为主对会话增量进行界定。


    Abstract: The conversational increment is a recently discovered phenomenon.Regardless of the complexity and diversity of daily conversation, previous studies mainly define increments by their syntactic features alone, which leads to a great controversy in delineation.The present study proposes that the defining of conversational increments should take into consideration their linear, syntactic, prosodic and pragmatic features together, with the pragmatic relations between increments and their previous utterances as the most important defining feature.


