
On the Barriers to Contemporary Chinese Literature Translation and Reception in the West and the Underlying Reasons

  • 摘要: 近十年来,中国当代文学在域外不断受到关注的同时,也遭遇了接受程度不高、传播渠道不畅的现实状况。本文在这一背景下,通过探讨中国当代文学在西方的译介与接受情况,对中国当代文学在走出去过程中所遇到的障碍与困难进行归纳与分析,并从意识形态、文化与接受心态、翻译副文本对读者接受的影响以及译者对中国当代文学缺乏深入性研究这四个方面对阻碍中国当代文学走出去的原因进行探究与反思,提出对中国当代文学走出去的译介效果进行考察应特别关注走出去所遇障碍的深层原因,以期探索中国当代文学在域外的形象和价值能够得到正确的认识与评价的有效途径。


    Abstract: In the past decade, though contemporary Chinese literature has received more attention abroad, it has also been confronted with unsatisfactory situations like low reception and poor communication.Against this background, by discussing translation and reception of contemporary Chinese literature in the West, this article summarizes and analyses the barriers and difficulties that contemporary Chinese literature encounters in the process of "Going Out".Meanwhile, this article also explores the reasons for these barriers in the aspects of ideology, culture and acceptance mentality, the influence of paratext of translation on readers' reception, and translators' lack of intensive study on contemporary Chinese literature.Thus, this article proposes that underlying reasons for these barriers in the process of "Going Out" should be taken into consideration in evaluating translation effects of contemporary Chinese Literature to find effective ways to achieve appropriate understanding and evaluation of contemporary Chinese literature abroad.


