
Meeting on the Bridge over the River Hao: Reconsidering Focusing the Familiar

  • 摘要: 本文以安乐哲和郝大维的《中庸》译本为例,重新思考了两位译者的翻译思想,分析了他们对一些重要的哲学概念的翻译。两位译者认为古典儒家思想是非超越的,尝试用过程哲学的思想和术语来解释和翻译《中庸》,他们谨慎的、批判性的、以西释中的实践促进了中西哲学的会通。


    Abstract: This paper studies Ames and Hall's translation of Zhongyong (Focusing the Familiar).It explores the theoretical presumptions of the two translators and presents an analysis of their translation of Zhongyong.It is observed that Ames and Hall view Confucian thought as non-transcendental, and they attempt to interpret and translate Zhongyong by recourse to process philosophy.Their careful and critical interpretation of Chinese philosophy contributes to the mutual enrichment of Chinese culture and Western culture.


