
The Earliest Chinese Translation of Shakespeare's Tales: Hai Wai Qi Tan

  • 摘要: 作为莎士比亚作品最早的汉译,《海外奇谭》于光绪29年(1903)由上海达文社率先出版,无译者署名,底本是根据英国散文家兰姆姐弟改写的《莎士比亚故事集》。此译本的出版时间还早于林纾的《吟边燕语》(1904),但一直少为学界所知,更无专文研究。然而,它从一个侧面反映了当时的译者从语言、文体与叙述方式的选择与误读等方面与晚清读者接受的相互关系,在一定程度上超越了章回小说的套路,在改写与再现、归化与异化之间取得了一个较好的平衡,在叙述结构、情节安排等方面为后人留下了可资借鉴的蓝本。此外,《海外奇谭》还无意中开了短篇小说译介之先河,其史料价值和文学价值都有不可忽略的意义。


    Abstract: As the earliest Chinese version, Hai Wai Qi Tan (《海外奇谭》) was published by Shanghai Dawen Press in 1903, taking as its original text Charles and Mary Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare.Although this anonymous translation is earlier than the famous Lin Shu's Yin Bian Yan Yu (《吟边燕语》, 1904), it has rarely been known to academia up till now, without any special investigation, despite the fact that it reflected the relations between the translator's choices/misreading concerning language, style, narrative pattern and the readers' reception in late Qing Dynasty, broke up the stereotyped style unique to Chinese Zhanghui(章回) fiction, and kept a nice balance between rewriting and reproduction, and domestication and foreignization, leaving a useful example of narrative structure and plot arrangement.Moreover, Hai Wai Qi Tan (un)intentionally initiated Chinese translation of short stories.


