
Paradigm, Perspective and Attitude: On Lakoff on Jackendoff (2007)

  • 摘要: 本文讨论Lakoff2008年在《美国科学家》(American Scientist)上发表的对Jackendoff(2007)的书评,简略介绍相关的学术背景,讨论其中涉及的"机能观"(functionalism)与符号操纵范式及其弊端,探讨这一书评对国内语言学研究(包括书评撰写)带来的启示,其中认知科学的视野与批判态度是两个突出元素。


    Abstract: In this commentary, I discuss Lakoff's review of Jackendoff (2007), published in the science magazine American Scientist in 2008.Providing relevant academic background, I briefly discuss the notion of functionalism and the symbol-manipulation paradigm in Cognitive Science, and point out certain difficulties in Jackendoff's application of the paradigm.It is argued that researchers in China should appreciate from Lakoff's review at least two important ingredients in linguistic research practice, namely, the cognitive science perspective and the critical attitude.


