
Research on Chinese Verb-complement Structure Typology from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics

  • 摘要: Talmy(1985,1991,2000)把世界语言分为动词框架语言和附加语框架语言,并认为英语是典型的附加语框架语言,西班牙语是典型的动词框架语言,汉语则属于较强的附加语框架语言。这一观点引起了语言学界的诸多质疑,至今尚未达成共识。本文以动补结构中的"路径"或"状态变化"这一语义核心与施动性之间的动态关系为基准,并有机结合李临定(1984)所提出的"缩减"检测法的操作模式,创立了"显性允准"及"隐性允准"两个规则来判断汉语类型学的归属。本文赞同汉语属于"并列框架语言"的观点。最后,我们认为解决汉语类型学的归属这一问题,除重点聚焦句子施事主语的施动性外,还必须综合考虑谓语动词的自主性、动作性、及物性以及宾语的受事性等因素,否则就会出现许多"例外",导致对汉语类型学归属判断无所适从的局面。


    Abstract: Talmy (1985,1991, 2000) categorizes the world languages into verb-framed language(with Spanish as the prototype) and satellite-framed language (with English as an exemplar) and holds that Chinese is a strong satellite-framed language.This categorization results in heated controversy over the typological nature of the Chinese language in the field of linguistics.Incorporating the dynamic relationship between the semantic core of Chinese verb-complement structure (i.e., path or change of state) and the agentivity into the method of cutting component proposed by Li (1984), the authors of this paper have developed both visibility licensing and invisibility licensing to deal with the problem concerning the typological category of Chinese, and conclude that Chinese is undoubtedly a type of parallel-framed language.It is claimed that except for agentivity in agentive subjects,both affectedness in patient objects and transitivity in predicate verbs are additional cognitive factors indispensable to identifying the typological category of the Chinese language.


