
Sanctioning the Inverted Use of Resultative Constructions in the Broad Sense: An Account Based on Excessive Meaning and Categorization

  • 摘要: 广义动结式包含主宾语倒置的用法,对于论元实现的允准具有重要的理论意义。广义动结式的倒置用法需要包含内部和外部理据。其内部的极量义成分强调了剧烈的、出乎意料的状态变化,和倒置结构的语义特征匹配。在外部,范畴化关系使得广义动结式继承了狭义动结式倒置结构所编码的状态变化义,以及状态变化的高凸显度和相关语义特征。外部范畴化关系与内部极量义共同作用,允准了广义动结式的倒置用法,在理论层面也为构式的形义匹配提供了认知理据。


    Abstract: Resultative Constructions in the Broad sense (RCB) have an inverted use, which carries theoretical significance with regard to the sanctioning of argument realization.The inverted use of RCB needs to have internal and external motivations.Its internal meaning of excessiveness emphasizes a drastic, unexpected change of state, which matches the semantic features of the inverted structure.Externally, the categorization enables RCB to inherit the meaning of change of state coded by the inverted use of Resultative Constructions in the Narrow sense (RCN), as well as its salience and related semantic features.The external categorization and the internal excessive meaning together sanction the inverted use of the RCB and provide motivations for the form-meaning pairing of the construction on the theoretical level.


