
Multiple-index Tense System and the Interpretation of Past Tense in English Compound Sentences

  • 摘要: 过去时的解读问题一直是逻辑学家和语义学家研究的热门话题之一。单一标记的时态系统,如Prior时态逻辑,以及传统的辖域分析法,不足以解读英语复合句中复杂的过去时时态。只有采用多标记时态系统,以上问题,特别是"从句晚于主句"的解读问题,才能够得以解决。多标记时态系统具有以下特征:(1)谓词具有额外的时间论元位置;(2)时态语素是时间变量在谓词时间论元位置上的具体实现;(3)"先于"与"同时"等时间意义源自与时态语素具有某种关联的、语音为空的成分;(4)目标语言里的评估时间以时间变元t*的方式出现。多标记时态系统能够厘清由过去时时态产生的复合句歧义问题,解释复合句中存在的一句多义现象。


    Abstract: The interpretation of past tense has long been a hot topic for logicians and semanticians.Single-index tense system, like Prior tense logic, as well as traditional scope analysis, is not adequate in interpreting the past tense in English compound sentences.Only by adopting multiple-index tense system, can these problems, especially that of "later-than-matrix" interpretation, be solved properly.The following are the properties of multiple-index tense system: (1) Predicates have an extra argument slot for a time; (2) Tense morphemes are time variables that saturate the time argument slots of predicates; (3) The meanings of anteriority and simultaneity derive from phonologically null elements that stand in a certain relation with tense morphemes; (4) The evaluation times are represented in the object language with a phonologically null time variable, represented as t*.Multiple-index tense system can be used to disambiguate the meanings produced by the past tense morpheme in compound sentences, and to explain how ambiguity arises.


