
Semantic Subset Principle and Second Language Acquisition

  • 摘要: "语义次级原则"提出,"次级"解读总是先于"超级"解读被习得。本文详细探讨了"语义次级原则"和语言习得之间的关系,认为语义次级原则所提出的"次级"解读与"超级"解读之间的对立,其本质上是一个句法生成方式的问题。虽然该原则在理论上对一语习得仍具有相当的解释力和预测性,但在二语习得研究语境下本研究发现,当母语对某一特定结构的解读范围小于目的语中相应结构的解读范围时,学习者最初都只会习得目的语中与母语相一致的解读,而不会像所预测的那样接受该语言中这一结构所有的可能解读。本文将这个现象称作"母语解读优先原则"。该原则不仅对普通语言学,更对当代言语-语言病理学研究具有重要的理论与实践意义。


    Abstract: The Semantic Subset Principle (SSP) predicts that learners always acquire the "subset" meaning before the "superset" meaning.The current study explores the application of SSP on language acquisition (LA).It is firstly made clear that the antithetical pair of "subset meaning" and "superset meaning" as suggested by SSP comes indeed from the typologically different ways of sentence generation, i.e.movement vs.base-generation.In terms of first language acquisition (FLA), empirical evidence alone is not enough to falsify SSP.However, the theory itself lacks explanatory and/or predicatory forces when put in the context of second language acquisition (SLA).It is proposed in this paper, based on some cross-linguistic experiments, a First Language Interpretive Priority Principle (FLIPP), stating the observed fact that the acquired meaning of a particular structure in L2 always conforms to that of the corresponding structure in L1 no matter whether such a meaning is "subset" or not in L2.Aside from general linguistic studies, FLIPP is also of great theoretical and practical significance to modern speech-language pathological studies.


