
Thinking in a Foreign Language Overcomes the Developmental Reversal in Risky Decision-making:The Foreign Language Effect in Risky Decision-making

  • 摘要: 在风险决策中存在一种发展性逆转现象:经验越丰富,越容易受到框架(frame)的影响,所做决策越有可能出现前后矛盾(框架效应)(Reyna et al.2014)。能否有办法规避或者降低框架的影响?本研究考察可能影响框架效应的三个因素:被试的专业背景、决策任务的呈现语言、决策问题的类型。数据分析显示,在生命问题中,汉语条件下,两组被试都出现了框架效应;英语条件下,金融专业被试框架效应消失。在金钱问题中,汉语条件下,只有金融专业被试出现框架效应,符合发展性逆转预测;英语条件下,框架效应消失。研究结果为外语效应的普遍性提供进一步数据。本研究结果表明,使用外语能克服发展性逆转,对专业人员的风险决策实践有启示意义。


    Abstract: There is a developmental reversal in risky decision making:The more experience one has,the easier for him to be influenced by the frame,resulting in greater decision inconsistency (the framing effect)(Reyna et al.2014).Can one find ways to reduce such framing effects?The present study investigated three potential factors that may influence the framing effect:specialized knowledge of the participants,the language in which the problem is presented,and the types of problems.Analyses of the data revealed that for the life problem,under the mother tongue condition,both groups were affected by the frame;under the foreign language condition,this framing effect disappeared.For the financial problem,under the mother tongue condition,only the Financial Major was observed to be influenced by the frame,which was a developmental reversal;under the foreign language condition,this framing effect disappeared.The present study provides further empirical evidence for the foreign language effect.The implication for the reduction of decision biases in professionals was also briefly discussed.


