
On the Longitudinal Translation Competence Study of TransComp

  • 摘要: 国内外有关翻译能力的研究,讨论很多,但基于实证研究的较少。而TransComp翻译能力研究是其中唯一的跟踪性研究,在研究内容及方法上很有特色:注重译者对翻译任务的认知加工方式,尤其体现在对创造力和翻译决策过程的研究上;借用动态系统理论阐释数据,通过互联网记录实验,尝试解决翻译过程数据储存难等问题。其中有不少是对当前翻译能力研究的突破性尝试,但国内学者对此却少有介绍。本文将介绍、分析该研究的主要内容、特点、优势,并探讨其中存在的问题及提出相关建议,希望能引起国内相关读者、学者的兴趣并对翻译能力方面的实证研究有所突破和启迪。


    Abstract: There are numerous discussions about translation competence at home and abroad,but few of them are empirical studies,and TransComp's study is not only empirical,but also the only longitudinal one.TransComp's attempts are ground-breaking:a focus on the translator's cognitive processing,mostly on the studies of creativity and decision-making processes;interpretation of the data through Dynamic Systems Theory (DST),storing the process data through the internet.But little attention has been paid to TransComp in China.The paper attempts to give a brief introduction to TransComp and to examine its advantages as well as the limitations.In the end,this paper makes some reflections and suggestions for facilitating translation competence study and teaching in China.


