
Is Subject-First Preference Equal to Actor-First Preference or Topic-First Preference? Neurophysiological Evidence from Simple Sentence Processing in Chinese

  • 摘要: 本研究旨在通过事件相关电位(ERP)技术,考察主语优先是否等同于施事者优先或话题优先。实验以汉语简单句加工为例,通过操纵语境,使得句首论元(NP1)成为典型施事者(有生命)或非典型施事者(无生命),话题或非话题。实验发现,不管何种语境,都无法消除主语优先效应。该结果支持Bornkessel-Schlesewsky和Schlesewsky(2006,2009)提出的扩展的论元依存模型的预测,即主语优先实为语言加工机制默认"最简依存原则"的产物,出现在句子加工的初始阶段,不受生命性和话题语境的影响。因此,在既往研究的基础上,我们进一步揭示主语优先不应等同于施事者优先或话题优先。


    Abstract: An auditory ERP experiment was conducted to investigate whether Subject-first preference is equal to Actor-first preference or Topic-first preference.The initial arguments (NP1s) of simple sentences in Chinese were either animate or inanimate, and were either topicalized or not topicalized by the contexts.Our results revealed that the subject-first preference was independent from animacy and topicality, which supports that it is a universal processing strategy derived from minimal dependencies, as proposed by Bornkessel-Schlesewsky and Schlesewsky(2006, 2009) in the extended Argument Dependency Model.Our findings thus speak for the view that Subject-preference cannot be regarded as Actor-first preference or Topic-first preference but as a by-product of the processing system in minimizing dependencies.


