
A Corpus-Based Study of Semantic-Syntactic Inferfaces of Chinese and English Change-of-State Verbs

  • 摘要: 语言学家们认为,动词语义和表层句法之间存在一定的规律性联系。为了探究语义相同的动词在句法表现上是否具有跨语言共性,本研究对部分英汉状态变化(COS)动词的语义-句法界面进行基于语料库的比较分析。研究发现英语状态变化动词的句子结构表现出高度统一性,都为作格动词,具有使役性转换用法和结果结构;汉语状态变化动词的句子结构表现出更丰富的多样性,大部分动词是作格动词,具有使役性转换用法,但多数动词没有结果结构。分析认为,导致这些差异的重要原因是英汉COS动词在核心语义和词根意义上存在差别。


    Abstract: In an attempt to explore the relation between the lexical properties of verbs and their syntactic structure cross-linguistically, we made a corpus-based study of the syntactic behaviour of Chinese and English change-of-state(COS) verbs.The study shows that English COS verbs are ergative verbs characterized with the use of causative alternation and resultative construction, demonstrating much monotonicity in their syntactic behavior.Chinese COS verbs, most of which are ergative verbs with causative alternation but only some have resultative construction, show much more variety in their syntactic structure.An important cause of these differences is that Chinese and English COS verbs are different in their core semantics and roots.


