
The Translation and Interpretation Schools of the Yijing in the West

  • 摘要: 本文借助诠释学的理论,利用最新的易学研究成果,对《易经》在西方翻译与诠释的流派进行了梳理和分析。研究表明,自从《易经》在17世纪被介绍到欧洲之后,西方对它的评价和解读一直多种多样。《易经》在西方的翻译与诠释主要从宗教、历史、哲学、科学、应用等领域展开,把它当成宗教典籍、历史文献、哲学宝藏、科学著作、占卜指南等对象来研究与诠释。《易经》的任何语言任何流派的翻译与诠释都不可能有定本,都是永无止境的探求过程。《易经》在当代西方的翻译与诠释更加表现出开放性和多元化的特色,更加彰显其现实意义和应用价值。


    Abstract: This paper, based on the theory of hermeneutics and the latest achievements of Yi study, makes a comprehensive survey of the translation and interpretation schools of the Yijing in the West.It is pointed out that the Western evaluations of and approaches to the classic have been varied and colorful, revealing various distinct characterizations, including, among other things, a divination manual, a philosophical text, a historical work, and a scientific treatise.The translation and interpretation of the Yijing in modern West is open-ended and versatile rather than definitive or immutable and is characterized by its contemporary relevance and pragmatic value.


