求新务实 译飨公众从《新译界》的知识翻译看中国学术的现代转型

Seeking New and Practical Learning and Serving the Public by Translation: China’s Modernization of Traditional Learning via Knowledge Translation in The New World of Translation

  • 摘要: 《新译界》是京师大学堂派出的留日学生范熙壬1906年底在东京创办的唯一以“新”字入名的翻译期刊。该刊以“研求实学、推广公益”为办刊宗旨,以求新务实为动力,在46位以学缘和地缘关系为纽带形成的法政专业学生译者群的合作下,从日文翻译了大量新实学和“公益”知识,以便在国民中传播君主立宪制的知识,探索建立现代民族国家的道路。《新译界》将所译知识分为八大类,革新了晚清翻译期刊的学科分类,促进了中国传统学术的现代转型,并致力于以学术转型推动政治转型。


    Abstract: The New World of Translation was the only translation journal in the late Qing Dynasty with the word “new” in the title. It was founded by Fan Xiren in 1906 after he was sent to study in Japan by the Imperial University of Peking. Following the principles of “studying new and practical learning and promoting public interest”, its 46 translators in academic and geographical affinity produced numerous translations about practical learning and knowledge for “public interest” in an attempt to disseminate knowledge of constitutional monarchy among nationals for building a modern nation-state. These translators reformed the discipline classification in translation journals. With their translations of practical learning in eight categories, they endeavored to promote political transformation through the modernization of traditional learning.


