
Critiquing Hu Fanzhu's Criticism of the Pragmatic Theories

  • 摘要: 本文是对胡范铸教授在"语用研究的逻辑断裂与理论可能"一文中对语用学理论构建现状评论的再评论。我们根据Kuhn和Berger等提出的知识理论对该文的主要观点进行了回应。我们认为该文所谓语用学存在三个断裂的主张混淆了知识体系范式内和范式间的逻辑关系。语用学如同哲学,不是一个单一范式的知识体系,而是一个有众多范式生成、甚至涉及多元知识体系的研究域。定义繁多甚至混乱是域内学术生命旺盛的标志。语用学涵盖内容复杂繁多,任何大一统的定义或高度抽象的范畴都不可能穷尽其全貌。把一个理论框架强加其上,那不止是在削足适履,而是要了语用学的学术生命。


    Abstract: The paper is a critique of Hu Fanzhu's criticism of the pragmatic theories in his recent paper.Based on Kuhn's and Berger and Luckmann's theories of knowledge, the author responds by claiming that Hu's paper has confounded the logical relations within and between paradigms, and within and between knowledge systems.As it is the case with philosophy, pragmatics is not one unitary theory of language use but a discursive domain of research which engages theories and knowledge paradigms.Multiplicity of definition is a sign of academic prosperity rather than chaos because it signals active engagement of many theories.To impose one single defining structure impoverishes rather than enriches pragmatics.


