
Statistics and Analysis of Bibliographical Data of Classical Chinese Poetry in English Translation

  • 摘要: 本研究以三部中国古诗英译索引著作为基础,填补其中的空缺,首次建立了较为完整的《中国古诗英译文献篇目信息总表(汉—清末)》。经统计发现,从中国古诗英译的发轫期到2000年底的一百多年间,自汉代到清末1166位诗人(佚名者除外)的14634篇诗作有了总数达27976个英译本。通过对《总表》的综合统计分析,本文发掘了一大批诗人、诗作和译者,为中国古诗英译研究提供了诸多切入点,展现了中国历代古诗英译的概貌、分期发展趋势和规律,并对中国古诗英译的未来发展进行了预测。


    Abstract: Based on three bibliographical guides on classical Chinese poetry in English translation (CCPET), with gaps in between filled, the present study establishes a relatively complete digitalized "Table of CCPET Bibliographical Data:Han to Qing Dynasty", statistics of which reveals that, from the very beginning down to the year of 2000, 1166 classical Chinese poets (the anonymous not included) have 14634 poems translated into totally 27976 English versions.After a comprehensive statistic analysis, the paper highlights several lists of poets, poems and translators which can be profitable objects for further studies.The paper also reveals the overall CCPET landscape, its trend and rule over successive periods in more than 100 years, and tries to predict the CCPET development in the near future.


