
Subjectivisation and Thematic Information Constructing

  • 摘要: 在语篇信息编码过程中,说话者有意识地控制信息流动,由主观化形式实现。主位是信息的出发点,主位成分作为主观化形式,体现了说话者在信息编码中的主观参与。说话者以指称自我的代词"I"为基础,在信息编码过程中构建了一个能表达自我的体系:说话者以"I"作为主位成分开启话语信息,或以"I"作为参照点,说话者作为潜在的"我"表达对后续命题的认识、态度和评价。在主位位置,主观化能够标示经验主观性、人际主观性和语篇主观性,具有区分主位信息元功能的作用。说话者对信息进行主观化操作,使其前景化为主位信息,显示了说话者构建自我的意识与能力。


    Abstract: During the text-constructing process, subjectivisation is applied to show that the speaker consciously controls the flow of information.As a form of subjectivisation, the thematic element indicates various departing points of the information, displaying the speaker-oriented construction of the textual information.The speaker, based on the self-referent "I" subjectivisation, can construct the expressing system to imply the self-existence.With "I" as the thematic element or the reference point, the speaker can initiate the discursive information in which the speaker conveys his idea of, attitude towards and/or evaluation of the consequent proposition.At the thematic position subjectivisation can help to mark experience subjectivity, interpersonal subjectivity and/or textual subjectivity, and distinguish the meta-function of the thematic information.The speaker can manipulate subjectively the information foregrounded as the thematic one, which displays the speaker's consciousness and ability of constructing the ego.


