
Some Issues in the Translation of Chinese Linguistic Works into English:With Special Reference to the Translation of Xing Fuyi's Modern Chinese Grammar

  • 摘要: 《汉语语法学》英译本(邢福义著,王勇、董方峰译)已于2016年底由Routledge出版,翻译工作得到国家社科基金"中华学术外译项目"(15WYY002)的支持。本文以《汉语语法学》的英译为例,讨论中国语言学著作外译中的有关问题,内容涉及文本的选择、译者模式、读者定位、翻译策略等方面,并在此基础上对未来类似工作提出建议。


    Abstract: The English translation of Modern Chinese Grammar:A clause-pivot approach (XING Fuyi, translated by WANG Yong & DONG Fangfeng, 2017) is published by Routledge, with the support of the Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences (15WYY002).This article discusses issues concerning how Chinese linguistic works are to be introduced into the outside world, including the choice of source texts, cooperation between translators of the native and the target languages, potential readers, and translation strategies.This discussion is meant to offer some suggestions for follow-up efforts to introduce Chinese linguistics to the international linguistic community.


