
The Collocation Features of English Light Verb and Deverbal Noun: An Empirical Study Based on the Distribution of Lexical Aspect

  • 摘要: 本文从体态理论中的“词汇体”角度出发,运用Smith(1997)的情状五分法考察了make/do/get/have/give/take六种高频轻动词结构的共性和类性搭配特征。语料库和本族语者评分表明:1)总体上,与轻动词合法搭配的动转名词大多具有“动态性”,“达成”和“单变”类动转名词具有广泛分布;2)与不同轻动词搭配的动转名词存在体特征上的差异,其中轻动词和动转名词的“瞬时性”特征具有“同性相吸”的特点,而“结果性”却不能预测二者的搭配;3)轻动词和动转名词的词汇体之间并不完全存在同类搭配趋势。其中,“完结”和“活动”类轻动词更容易与同类动转名词搭配,“达成”类轻动词更容易与“单变”类动转名词搭配。本文从体特征的相容性和轻动词结构的“意图”凸显功能解释了以上结果。


    Abstract: This paper adopts the aspectual theory and investigates the collocation features of six types of light verb constructions (LVCs) (make/do/get/have/give/take) based on Smith's (1997) classification of lexical aspect.Corpus data and native speakers'ratings suggest that 1) Most deverbal nouns are converted from dynamic verbs, and "achievements"and"semelfactives" have dominant distributions; 2)Different light verbs collocate with deverbal nouns of different aspectual properties.The collocation pattern is predicted by "Punctuality" instead of "Resultativity"; 3)Legitimate LVCs are not necessarily composed of light verbs and deverbal nouns of the same aspectual types.The results can be explained by aspectual compatibility and the "intention"-highlighting function of light verb constructions.


