
Saussure's Arbitrariness of Linguistic Signs from the Perspective of Philosophy of Language

  • 摘要: 针对学界对索绪尔语言符号任意性的争论,本文通过文本解读,梳理索氏语哲致思路径,厘清其语言符号任意性的本质属性,进而思考和澄清争论中存在的问题。研究发现,索氏语哲本质在于切断语言与实在之联系,在语言内寻求符号意义本体的解释;任意性乃成为语言符号意义解释之第一原则;据此,索氏体系的核心概念逐步进入其理论视野,从而形成独具特色的语哲意义理论和原创的普通语言学理论体系;学界之所以误解索氏任意性是因为有关学者只关注该原则的语言学特性,而忽视了其语哲属性。


    Abstract: To dissolve problems in debates over the arbitrariness of linguistic signs, this paper attempts to elucidate Saussure's principle of arbitrariness by clarifying his philosophy of language.Based on Course in General Linguistics and Writings in General Linguistics, the study finds that 1) Saussure's philosophical approach to language is characterized by isolating it from reality and thus interpreting the meaning of its signs within language itself; 2) arbitrariness is thus the first principle governing the meaning relation between the signifier and the signified of a linguistic sign; 3) on this basis core concepts are gradually introduced and thereby a unique theory of meaning and an original theoretical system of general linguistics developed; 4) debaters' problems with Saussure's principle of arbitrariness occurred when they understood just its linguistic nature while neglecting its philosophical essence.


