
A Conversational Analysis of Preference for “X” in Selective Question “X or (Y)”

  • 摘要: 作为选择关系的典型形式标记,"X还是(Y)"结构一直是语言学,尤其是语法学的研究重点,研究内容主要聚焦在该语言结构的句法形式、语义表现及语用功能等方面。很少有研究全面审视自然语言交际中交际双方如何使用、理解、商榷该句式的结构、意义和功能。本文以会话分析为研究方法,以交际者通过选择疑问句执行寻求信息这一社会行为为切入点,以自然交际中的汉语言语交际为语料,分析了"X还是(Y)"背后的优先组织。研究表明,交际者在使用"X还是(Y)"执行选择提问时,交际双方的言谈应对会体现出汉语言对选择项X的优先选择,这种优先选择是言语应对的结构特征,是社会规律在言语交际层面的体现。


    Abstract: The selective Question "X or (Y)" has been extensively studied in linguistics, by grammarians in particular.However, the existing studies are mainly about the syntactic forms, semantic contents, and pragmatic functions of selective questions.Few studies are based on its occurrence in natural conversations, and even fewer studies have ever touched on the concept of preference.Based on recordings of natural conversations in Mandarin along with their transcripts, this study attempts to explore the preference for "X" in selective question "X or (Y)" within the theoretical framework of Conversational Analysis.The present study proves that the preference for the selective item X is a generalized and institutionalized method of speaking in Mandarin.


