
Category Relevance and Mightiness Pattern Between (Ir)Realis and Tense-Aspect-Modality Across Languages

  • 摘要: 语言类型学界在跨语言现实/非现实的语义内容和范畴地位上尚有争论,无论将现实/非现实只看作情态范畴还是认为现实/非现实不是跨语言有效范畴的观点均有偏颇。本文主张现实/非现实是类型学中的有效范畴。从认知范畴化的角度讲,跨语言现实/非现实是时—体—情态三个范畴的上位范畴,不同语言中显赫现实/非现实的原型义倾向与时—体—情态中的一个或多个范畴关联,即个别语言显赫现实/非现实的个性原型义都分布在时—体—情态这个共性概念空间中。本文建立了跨语言现实/非现实与时—体—情态的逻辑关联模式和标记方式,在此基础上构建了跨语言现实/非现实与时—体—情态的显赫性逻辑格局,逻辑格局的26种显赫性组配中有16种得到验证,涉及到31种语言,另外10种尚待验证。英语是现实/非现实和体—情态均不显赫而时显赫的语言,汉语是现实/非现实显赫而时—体—情态均不显赫的语言。


    Abstract: There has been a controversy on the semantic content and category status of realis/irrealis in linguistic typology.The arguments for realis/irrealis as a modality category or as an invalid category are not convincing.This paper argues that realis/irrealis is a typologically valid category.Realis/irrealis across languages is a superordinate category of tense-aspect-modality in terms of cognitive categorization.The prototypical meaning of mighty realis/irrealis in different languages tends to be semantically related with one or more categories among tense-aspect-modality.The semantic individuality of mighty realis/irrealis in a certain language is distributed in the universally conceptual space of tense-aspect-modality.The paper proposes a model of category relevance and marking rules between realis/irrealis and tense-aspect-modality, on which a logical mightiness pattern among them is further established.Among the 26 mightiness matching groups in the pattern, 16 groups have been attested, involving 31 languages, and the other 10 groups need to be further examined.English is a language of mighty tense and unmighty realis/irrealis-aspect-modality, while Chinese is a language of mighty realis/irrealis and unmighty tense-aspect-modality.


