
On Translation Typology and Transformation Mechanism of Minority Living Epics

  • 摘要: “一带一路”倡议为少数民族活态史诗的沿线传播提供了广阔前景。在中华文明复兴与中华文化二次传播视阈下,文章通过梳理活态史诗传播的媒介嬗变与翻译现状,描绘出活态史诗沿线传播的三种类型谱系并推导出活态史诗翻译的九种转换机制。文章认为,史诗传播的理想范型应当是借鉴民族志诗学、人类学深度翻译与影像文化志理论,以便立体综合地呈现活态史诗的语言诗性特点、文化表征功能和口头表演特征。活态史诗“原汁原味”地在沿线国家传播,对增强中华民族“多元一体”文化认同在沿线国家的模塑作用意义重大。


    Abstract: The Belt and Road Initiative brings a broad prospect for the transmission and translation of minority living epics along the areas concerned.In the backdrop of renaissance of Chinese civilization and retransmission of Chinese culture, the present paper makes a detailed analysis on the evolution and dissemination of minority epics, depicting three modes of transmission and nine categories of translation mechanism for the epics to go global.The paper also holds that translation studies of living epics should incorporate ethnopoetics, cultural anthropology and media studies so as to represent multi-dimensional, integrated poetic language features, functions and cultural characterizations of oral performance of the living epics.Therefore, it is of great significance to keep the epics authentic and original as much as possible in the course of translation so as to enhance the "multiple one" Chinese cultural identity molded in Chinese history.


