
The Gestural Expression of Spatial Metaphors for Affective Valence in Chinese

  • 摘要: 本文从伴语手势视角系统探讨汉语母语者情感效价的空间化隐喻模式。结果发现:1)上下、前后、左右以及大小四个空间维度均可形成相应的情感手势隐喻,体现了空间经验在人类概念系统中的核心地位;2)身体结构的共同性,以及身体与客观世界的相互作用是形成情感效价空间隐喻的重要动因;3)文化图式影响心智与身体的联结,强化或改变了情感隐喻的具身效应,体现了人类认知的情境性。整个研究表明,情感隐喻可以通过伴语手势得到表达,证明了概念隐喻的心理现实性。


    Abstract: This study systematically explores the spatial representation of affective valence in Chinese native speakers from a co-speech gesture perspective.The results show that:1) up/down, front/back, left/right and big/small can be used to form emotional gestures, which highlights the important role of spatial experience in human conceptual system; 2) the commonness of body structure and the interaction between body and the world are the important motivations for emotional metaphors; 3) cultural schemas can influence the association between mind and body and further intensify or change the embodied effect of emotional metaphors, showing the contextual effect of human cognition.The research shows that emotional metaphors can be expressed via gestures, providing evidence for the psychological reality of conceptual metaphor.


