
A Study on the Same-Turn Self-Repair in Chinese Doctor-Patient Interaction

  • 摘要: 本文基于对实际医患互动语料的会话分析,采用实证研究方法,对汉语医患互动中同一话轮内自我修正的策略选择及医患差异进行了细致的分析,并从认知情态的视角加以阐释。研究发现:汉语医患会话中同话轮内自我修正共采用7种策略,且医患双方在策略使用频率及使用目的上存在诸多异同,这反映了医患双方基于对彼此认知状态以及认知地位的认识,通过使用不同的修正策略,来表达自己的认知立场。


    Abstract: Based on the data from real-life Chinese medical interactions, this paper presents an empirical analysis of the choices of different repair strategies in the same-turn self-repair and makes comparison between doctors and patients in employing those strategies, with an interpretation from the perspective of epistemics.Altogether seven types of repair strategies are found in the data, and there are both doctor-patient similarities and differences in the occurrence and reasons for employing those strategies.Both doctors and patients employ different repair strategies to express their epistemic stance based on their understandings of the epistemic status of themselves and of their interlocutors.


