
Interactive Production in Xu Zhimo's Poetic Writing and Translation

  • 摘要: 徐志摩通过自己多元化的创作与翻译,尝试并创造性地转化了众多西方诗体,在诗歌翻译与创作的互动中找到了良好的平衡和契合点,极大丰富了现代(白话)新诗的文体形式,也较好地避免了新诗伊始广为诟病的非诗化之弊端,促成了其音乐美学艺术气质的回归,值得后人发扬光大。五四以来的闻一多、戴望舒等现代诗人翻译家(或译者诗人)亦可如是观之。就中国新诗而言,外来影响是新诗现代性生成的条件与结果,无需回避,借此反思学界对韦勒克《比较文学的危机》一文的误读。


    Abstract: Through the interactive production in his manifold poetic writing and translation, Xu Zhimo creatively transformed many western poetic styles, which not only reaped the stylistic prosperity, well redressed the unpoetic tendency of Chinese new poetry in dispute, but retrieved its artistic quality of musicality especially.His practice of interactive production in translation and creation deserves to be carried forward.It is almost the same with other modern poet translators like Wen Yiduo, Dai Wangshu, etc.For Chinese new poetry, western influence (study) is a necessary prerequisite and consequence.This paper also rethinks the undue misunderstanding of Wellek's "The crisis of comparative literature".


