
The Renqing Principle in Managing Interpersonal Relationship from the Perspective of Interpersonal Pragmatics

  • 摘要: 基于西方文化语境下的人际语用学将面子、社交距离、权势等作为人际关系建构与管理的核心要素,并提出了相关的人际修辞理论、人际关系管理模式等,却没有重视人与人之间"情"的影响及其语用功能,汉语文化语境下的"人情""情面"等也一直被语用学所忽略。本文从人际语用学的视角,探究人情对人际关系管理的建构作用及其互惠性特征,提出汉语文化语境下的"人情原则",并认为它是日常人际交往中需要遵循的一个语用原则,借此阐释汉语文化语境下具有本土化属性的人际语用观。


    Abstract: Interpersonal pragmatics within the paradigm of western cultures has taken face, social distance and power as the essential factors for constructing and managing interpersonal relationship.However, the affection and its functions and some emotive features have long been underestimated in pragmatics, renqing (lit., favor) and qingmian (affection-based face) in the Chinese culture have been ignored too.From the perspective of interpersonal pragmatics, this study explores how Chinese renqing functions in managing interpersonal relationship and its reciprocity.The Renqing Principle is then proposed as a pragmatic principle in practice, which helps to explain the emic features of interpersonal pragmatics in Chinese culture.


