
Imagology and Translation Studies

  • 摘要: "形象"一词对于翻译研究领域并不陌生,不少翻译研究学者都曾探讨过形象塑造的问题。本文拟从全球化的大背景出发,追溯形象学与翻译研究之间的历史渊源与相互联系,通过综述形象学视角下的相关翻译研究成果,探究二者的契合之处,厘清形象学有关核心概念与翻译研究的关系,以期为未来形象学视角下的翻译研究提供思考和启示。


    Abstract: In their explorations of the cultural aspects of translation activities, some translation scholars have addressed the issue of image building, which makes image a key term in translation studies.This paper attempts to draw together modern imagology and translation studies by re-examining their inherent connection and re-interpreting the two kernel concepts of imagology-hereto-image and auto-image in relation to various translation phenomena so as to open up new possibilities in translation studies.


