
Investigating Source Language Shining-Through Effect Based on English-Chinese Diachronic Parallel Corpora: Exemplified by the Neuter Pronoun “It”

  • 摘要: 本文通过英汉历时平行语料库,结合语义透明度和符号简单化原则,对英汉翻译中物称代词it的显化和隐化现象进行形式和语义上的合并考察,分析英语源语对汉语的透过效应。显化在本文中分低、中、高度三类,以界定其变化程度。研究发现:1)英语it在汉语翻译文本中的对应成分总体呈上升趋势,源语的透过效应逐渐增强;2)对汉语翻译文本的历时考察表明,it在译文中显化程度增高,共指歧义降低;隐化现象呈下降趋势;3)在语义层面,翻译文本中的"它"通常与物质类动词连用,其次为精神类、关系类、言语类动词。在物质类和精神类动词的使用上,使用频次逐渐升高,英语it的语义搭配模式对汉语译本的历时变化发生效应。研究进而对文学翻译文本中影响显化现象的变化机制进行了分析。


    Abstract: Based on English-Chinese diachronic parallel corpora, this paper examines explicitation and implicitation of the neuter pronoun "it" from both formal and semantic perspectives.The aim of the study is to investigate the source language shining-through effect by drawing on the framework of semantic transparency and signal simplicity.Shifts of explicitation and implicitation are divided into three levels:lowest, medium and highest.The current findings demonstrate that:1) Source language shining-through effect has ascended, as evidenced by the increased occurrences equivalent to the English word "it" from the first to the third period; 2) The frequencies of the explicitation of "it" in translations have increased, with the co-reference ambiguity shrunk, as is shown by diachronic analysis of the translated texts; In comparison, the occurrences of implicitation has become lowered on the whole; 3) The frequencies of the Chinese word 它 "ta" are the highest when co-occurring with material verbs, and decrease with the mental, relational and verbal classes in turn.From a diachronic perspective, the frequencies of "ta" collocating with material and mental verbs have increased gradually over the three periods.It is thus proved that the semantic collocation of "it" in the original English texts has an effect on the occurrences of the corresponding "ta" in the translated texts across time.The mechanism operating behind the change of source language shining-through effect has also been investigated.


