
Parallel Development of Machine Translation and Artificial Intelligence

  • 摘要: 本文描述机器翻译与人工智能的发展的平行过程,说明了机器翻译与人工智能的密切关系,特别分析了基于规则的机器翻译、统计机器翻译和神经机器翻译的原理和方法。文章指出,不论是机器翻译还是人工智能都不够成熟,目前都还处于初级发展阶段。


    Abstract: The paper describes the parallel development of machine translation and artificial intelligence, explains the close relationship between machine translation and artificial intelligence, and analyzes the principles and approaches of rule-based machine translation, statistical machine translation and neural machine translation.The paper points out that both machine translation and artificial intelligence are not ripe enough at present, and they are still in the early stage of development.


