
An Outline of the Study of the History of Foreign Language Education in the PLA

  • 摘要: 人民军队外语教育发展史旨在系统记录和研究我军建军以来各个时期所开展的以外国语为主要内容的军事教育实践的历史过程、发展规律及军事贡献。其研究路径是,在现有研究文献基础上寻求突破与创新,采用文献法、历史研究法和历史叙事范式等方法,力求质化研究和量化研究相结合。在内容构架上,把我军外语教育历史的纵向进程划分为起步、初步发展、受挫停滞、稳步上升和跨越式发展等5个阶段,将其横向内容分为教育思想、教育体系、师资队伍、教学方法手段、教材建设、科研学术、历史贡献等7个研究主题。其现实意义在于拓展我国外语教育史研究,推动军队外语教育理论与实践发展,传承我军外语教育优良传统,并为改革建言提供一定史证。


    Abstract: The study of the history of foreign language education in the PLA aims at recording the historic progress, and contributions of the foreign language teaching at all the stages since the founding of the Army.It is to be conducted by means of documentary review, historical research and historical narrative, and with a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.Its framework consists of both a longitudinal research of 5 stages of foreign language education development in the PLA and a horizontal research of 7 common topics covered in each of the stages.The significance of this study lies in the extension of China's foreign language history research, the development of the Army's foreign language educational theories and practice, and the inheritance of the fine traditions of the earlier PLA foreign language education.


