
Promotion-Oriented Steps in Research Article Abstracts in Chinese and International Journals: A Corpus-Based Comparative Study

  • 摘要: 现有对学术论文摘要体裁结构的研究往往着眼于语步,很少考察语阶的功能和体裁特征。本研究结合体裁分析和语料库方法,对比中外期刊实证类论文英文摘要1251篇,观察摘要"研究背景"和"结果讨论"语步上语阶的信息推销功能导向。研究发现:在"研究背景"语步上,国际期刊作者善于使用双功能导向语阶来凸显选题的创新性,而中国期刊作者普遍使用"创建中心议题"这一单功能导向;在"结果讨论"语步上,与中国期刊作者不同的是,国际期刊作者更偏好使用"对话"性功能导向。这些差异一定程度上反映了中外期刊作者学术成果推销意图的不同。这一发现希望能引起中国学者对学术成果国际传播惯例的重视。


    Abstract: Previous researches on abstracts have focused mainly on rhetorical moves, with little attention to detailed functions and genre features of steps.To fill in this gap, in this study, we investigated the promotion-oriented functions of steps on Situating the research and Discussing the research moves.Applying genre analysis and corpus linguistic method, we compared 1251 English abstracts of empirical articles published by Chinese and International leading journals.Results revealed that, on Situating the research move, writers of international journals were more competent in using dual promotion-oriented steps to highlight creativity of the research while their Chinese counterparts relied generally on "claims of centrality", a single promotion-oriented step function.In addition, on Discussing the research move, different from Chinese journal writers, international journal writers preferred steps of "dialogic" functions.The differences may indicate different orientations in boosting academic contributions between Chinese and international journal writers.The findings, hopefully, could draw greater attention on the part of Chinese scholars to the conventions of international academic communication.


