
Co-referential Possessors and Intensifiers in World's Languages: A Typological Perspective

  • 摘要: 本文考察了65种世界语言中饰名强化形式、施动者指向型强化形式、反身形式以及反身领属形式的跨语言分布,使用语义地图分析四种功能之间的关系,发现以下跨语言共性:反身领属与强化形式的关联度高于其与反身形式的关联度。反身领属跨语言共性主要有两个动因,一方面是由于反身领属和强化在功能上相通,另一方面是由于新格赖斯主义言语交际语用准则的作用。


    Abstract: Based on a sample of 65 world's languages, this study tries to reveal the hidden relationship between co-referential possessors and intensifiers by virtue of the semantic map model.It finds the cross-linguistic tendency that co-referential possessors are more likely to use the same form as intensifiers instead of reflexives.This study tries to explain this cross-linguistic tendency in terms of the principles of Neo-Gricean Pragmatics.


