
Experiential Construal Mechanism and Function of Metaphor and Metonymy

  • 摘要: 本研究旨在从经验识解视角探讨隐喻与转喻产生的机制与发挥的功能。概念隐喻与转喻是对感知经验的识解方式,以认知意象为基础。本研究发现:1)概念隐喻从源域到目标域映射的认知意象相同,这是相似性概念表达的基础和根源;概念转喻表达同一认知域中认知意象与基体、认知意象与认知意象或者认知意象的要素之间存在邻近性关系,这是相关性概念表达的基础和根源。2)隐喻与转喻发挥着不同的经验识解功能,概念隐喻是识解抽象概念及表达跨认知域概念相似性关系的重要手段,而转喻是凸显同一认知域中概念或概念要素及表达邻近性概念关系的重要手段。


    Abstract: This research aims to explore mechanisms and functions of metaphor and metonymy from the perspective of experiential construal. Conceptual metaphor and metonymy are identified as construal mechanisms that shape perceptual experience based on imagery. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) In conceptual metaphor, the shared image mapped from the source domain to the target domain serves as the foundation for expressing similar concepts. In contrast, conceptual metonymy relies on relationships of contiguity within the same domain, whether between the image and its base, between different images, or between elements of a single image, to express contiguous concepts. (2) Metaphor and metonymy serve distinct functions in the construal of experience. Metaphor primarily facilitates the understanding of abstract concepts and highlights similarities between concepts across different domains, while metonymy focuses on profiling specific concepts or their elements, expressing contiguous relationships within the same domain.


