行动者网络理论与中国文化外译——以熊式一英译的Lady Precious Stream(《王宝川》)为例
Translating Chinese Culture from the Perspective of Actor-Network Theory(ANT): A case study of S.I.Hsiung's Lady Precious Stream
摘要: 翻译研究对社会学理论的借鉴,多集中在卢曼的规范理论和布尔迪厄的场域理论,侧重讨论社会规则对译者的影响,而对行动者网络理论关注不多。行动者网络理论采用自下而上的人类学研究方法,描述个人通过行动创建社会网络的轨迹,是一种关注过程的理论模型,将给翻译研究带来新的视角。本论文拟用行动者网络理论讨论20世纪30年代熊式一在英国成功改译的中国戏剧Lady Precious Stream(《王宝川》),用行动者网络理论中"行动体" "问题化过程" "利益锁定""必经点"等概念解释译作《王宝川》的成功要素,希望为中国文化外译提供新的启发和研究视角。Abstract: This paper introduces the Actor-Network Theory(ANT) and its key concepts such as "actant", "problematisation", "interessment", "obligatory points of passage", etc.By discussing the success of S.I.Hsiung's translation of Chinese Peking Opera Lady Precious Stream, this paper tries to illustrate how these concepts help to explain the inner logic of a successful translation.