There的“三域”及其主观化——以there be结构为例

Three Domains of There and its Subjectification

  • 摘要: 本文从语言的"三域"观对英语存在句中的there进行了统一分析,并对其主观化现象进行了阐释。研究表明,there be结构表达了一种新异性存在,这种存在在"行、知、言"三域中分别表现为"实存""知存"和"言存"。从"行域"到"知域"和"言域"的拓展体现了there从客观到主观的演变过程,其中涉及对言者的隐性指涉、对命题的入场引荐以及主观化成分"左移"的句法操作现象,是语言演变单向性规律在语义和句法上的联动表现。


    Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive description of There from the perspective of Three Conceptual Domains as put forward in Sweetser (1990), and then analyzes its objective-subjective continuum involved in the three domains.The general function of There be construction is to indicate the existence of a new entity/concept, which is materialized in the three domains as "real-world existence" "epistemic existence" and "speech-act existence".The three existences manifest the evolution of there from objective to subjective axis.The subjectified There features speaker involvement, the function of grounding and "leftward movement".This is an effective indication of the unified unidirectionality in both semantic evolvement and syntactic change.


