
Mapping the Translation and Publication of Foreign Literary Works in the 20th Century in China: From the Perspective of Bibliometrics

  • 摘要: 著名语言学家齐普夫认为,人类的一般行动都基于省力原则之上,说话者和听者双方都想省力,使词语的使用次数和排名的位次之间有一种必然的关系,两者相乘的积是一个常数,以词语的位次和使用次数为轴线的双对数表会出现一条几乎是45度的直线。这条齐普夫定律已经被用于书目研究,成为书目计量学的重要分支。本文以《晚清戏曲小说目》《民国时期总书目》《全国总书目》《全国内部发行图书总目:1949—1986》为依据对20世纪翻译出版的外国文学作品做了全面的统计,并以位次为横向轴,以册数为纵向轴绘出双对数表,发现外国文学作品的翻译出版也有一条齐普夫曲线,是省力原则和费力原则共同推动的结果,显示了一定的规律性。


    Abstract: According to Zipf, the principle of least effort, which is basic to all human behavior, makes both writer and reader want to save labor, and results in a certain necessary connection between the rank(r) of the word and its frequency(f), that is r×f=C, which will appear on doubly logarithmic chart as a succession of points descending in a straight line from left to right at an angle of 450.The Zipf Law has been largely applied in bibliography, which has become an important part of bibliometrics.With a database of foreign literary works translated in the 20th century in China based on Bibliography of Drama and Fiction in Late Qing Dynasty, China National Bibliography of the Republic Period, China National Bibliography and China National Bibliography of Restricted Publications: 1949-1986, the paper produces a doubly logarithmic chart of r and f, which shows the contribution of both the principle of least effort and the principle of most effort, with its Zipf curve showing the pattern of distribution of the translated foreign literature.


