
On the Interactive Mechanism Between Speech Pronunciation and Perception

  • 摘要: 语言交际是一个说者发出语流串,经媒介传入听者听觉器官,再由听者大脑神经中枢重新解码的过程。语言交际涉及说和听双方,本文从听与说两方面来深究人类语言交际的机制及其特点,通过讨论发音器官与听音器官频率声能互补、低频敏感度与元音格局、音类扩散分布与感知区别增强、量子理论与语音感知、说者协同发音与听者感知补偿等五方面内容,提出说与听有相互配合、同时也有相互制约的关系,同时说明一旦这种关系失衡,就会误解,可能导致音变。这一研究成果也将对人工智能、类脑研究有所启发。


    Abstract: The process of communication by means of speech involves the generation of sound by a speaker and interpretation of that sound by a listener.So language communication involves both speaking and listening.This paper explores the mechanism and characteristics of human language communication from the perspective of listening and speaking.The author illustrates the relationship between listening and speaking through the following five aspects:1) the complementary distribution of sound energy with different frequencies between articulation organs and auditory organs; 2) low-frequency sensitivity and vowel pattern; 3) the adaptive design of speech sound systems and enhancement of perceptual differences; 4) quantal theory and speech perception; 5) speaker's co-articulation and listener's compensation.It is proposed that speaking and listening have mutual cooperation and mutual restriction in the process of communication.Once this relationship is out of balance, it can lead to misunderstandings and sound changes may occur.


