
A Study on the Interpreting Process from the Perspective of Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis

  • 摘要: 本文应用多模态批评话语分析方法研究记者招待会口译过程,将社会功能与认知机制两个口译研究的重要维度相结合,通过多模态视频分析工具分析视觉模态与声音模态相互作用下的意义建构。研究表明视觉模态是声音模态的重要补充及上层建构,口译场景中视觉呈现的模式体现了口译活动的意识形态导向及参与者之间预设的权力关系。对声音模态的分析有助于还原译员的认知处理过程并解析口译话语策略。多模态批评话语分析方法可同时定位多种口译变项,对口译过程进行精准的定性考察,有助于推进口译质量评估研究,拓宽口译实证研究的思路,对口译实践与教学及口译研究均具有借鉴意义。


    Abstract: This paper employs the multi-modal critical discourse analysis method to study the interpreting process of press conferences.By integrating social function and cognitive mechanism, the two key aspects for interpreting research, it explores the construction of meaning by means of the interaction of audio and visual modes.The visual mode underpins the audio one in a way to frame the power relations of the parties involved in the interpreting setting, while the audio mode is instrumental to the retrieval of the interpreter's cognitive process and the analysis of interpreting strategies.With multimodal critical discourse analysis, the paper qualitatively examines the interpreting process and broadens the scope of empirical research on interpreting, which is of significance to both the practice of interpreting and its teaching.


