
A Study on Controlled Processing and Translation Quality from the Perspective of Problem-Solving

  • 摘要: 本研究基于认知科学"双加工理论",采取TAPs、问卷、访谈等多种方法收集英汉翻译过程的认知加工数据,从问题解决视角分析学生译者和职业译者控制加工过程中问题识别、策略选择及译文质量的差异。研究发现:学生译者的翻译问题率(每翻译一百个单词识别的翻译问题个数)约为职业译者的两倍,其中二者在数量上差异较大的是复合型和产出型问题,复合型问题体现在语境、修辞和语义分析方面,产出型问题体现在语言形式、意义和用法方面;在控制加工过程中,学生译者倾向选择网络搜索等微观策略解决问题,而职业译者更倾向采取推理、监控等宏观策略;学生译者译文出现的错误总量的平均值是职业译者的两倍多,且错误集中体现在语篇、语法、语体及语义层面。本研究可为揭示翻译认知心理过程与培养职业化翻译能力提供数据支持。


    Abstract: Based on Dual Process Theory, this paper tries to investigate the differences on problem recognition, strategic decision, and translation quality in the controlled processing between student and professional translators from a problem-solving perspective.Cognitive data in the English-Chinese translation processes are collected by triangulating a variety of data sources such as TAPs, questionnaire, interviews, etc.The findings are as follows:1) Students' problem rate (problems per 100 words in the ST) was twice as high as that of the professionals.Differences between students and professionals were most salient in the combined and production problems.Combined problems often occured in dealing with contexts, rhetoric and semantic analysis, while production problems were related to the form, meaning and usage of target language.2) In the controlled processing, student translators employed retrieval strategies more frequently, while professionals preferred to use decision-making and monitoring strategies.3) The mean value of the total amount of student translators' errors was twice as high as that of the professionals, manifested particularly on the textual, grammatical, stylistic and lexical levels.This study is meaningful for exploring translators' mental activities and cultivating translation expertise.


