
“After Seventy Years of Sleep”: Revisiting the First Chinese Translation of Rip Van Winkle

  • 摘要: 1872年,上海《申报》刊登的《一睡七十年》是欧文名作《瑞普·凡·温克尔》的第一个中文译作,也是目前可考的汉译第一篇美国小说。这个利用国外小说素材进行"再创作"的另类译作,不仅开创了近代小说翻译独具一格的"先例",而且也标志着中西比较文学意识在近代中国的萌芽,但国内外学界迄今尚未给予应有的重视。本文将《一睡七十年》置于中国近代历史文化语境中加以考察,旨在分析其"另类"的翻译尝试及其跨文化意义,解析其"去异域化"翻译策略的得失,揭示其走在世界前沿的比较文学意识。


    Abstract: "After Seventy Years of Sleep" (1872), published in Shen Bao, a newspaper in Shanghai, was the first Chinese translation of Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle.The work as a "rewriting" of the original short story has not only set a unique "example" in modern Chinese translation, but also witnessed the bud of modern consciousness in comparative literature.Up to now, the academics both at home and abroad have paid little attention to it.By revisiting the Chinese translation in its modern historical and cultural context, this paper analyses the "experiment" in translation and its transcultural significance, evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of its translation strategy-"de-foreignization", and finally discusses the pioneering consciousness of comparative literature in modern China.


