
Phonetic Training Based on Visualized Articulatory Model

  • 摘要: 本研究利用电磁发音仪对元音的发音生理特征进行了分析和探讨,并基于3D的发音生理模型进行了可视化的语音训练研究。本文汇报了两项实验的研究结果,其中实验1通过EMA分别记录了中国英语学习者、美国标准发音人和英国标准发音人在英语元音发音时的舌运动特征。并从发音生理的角度,对比了学习者和美、英本族语者的元音发音差异,并对影响可懂度的学习者的问题元音,如/æ/、/I/、/ʊ/等提供了纠正型的发音反馈意见。实验2对比了两组受试分别使用音频和可视化的3D发音模型进行国际音标学习的效果。两次测试结果均显示,使用3D发音模型的受试小组在元音、辅音和声调的得分要高于使用音频的受试小组的得分,表明可视化的3D发音模型比音频更有助于学习者的语音学习。本文的研究结果对可视化的发音训练模式融入语音课堂具有一定的推动意义。


    Abstract: The study employed EMA (electromagnetic articulography) in recording and analyzing the articulatory features of vowels.A visualized 3D articulatory model was then used in our phonetic training.The results of two experiments were reported in the paper.In the first experiment EMA was employed to record the articulatory features of English vowels produced by Chinese EFL learners, an American speaker and a British speaker.Vocalic differences between EFL learners and native English speakers were discussed with their respective EMA articulatory graphs.Corrective feedback from the perspective of physiological articulation was provided regarding EFL learners' problematic vowel production, such as/æ/、/I/、/ʊ/, which had low intelligibility rate.In the second experiment a comparative study was conducted with one group using visualized 3D articulatory model in the phonetic study of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), and the other group employing audio files in the IPA study.It was found from the two tests that the group which employed 3D articulatory model had achieved higher scores, indicating that visualized sources are more helpful than audio files in students' phonetic study.The current paper aims to promote the application of visualized phonetic training in EFL phonetic classes.


