
On Wu Mi's Notion of “Translation as Imitation”

  • 摘要: 本文从吴宓在《论今日创造之正法》一文中关于"摹仿""创造""翻译"三者关系的论述出发,结合吴宓其他有关文学、文字、文化的话语,对其核心翻译思想进行多维度的深入辨析。吴宓认为文学创造要从摹仿入手,翻译是摹仿之良法,而好的翻译与创造无异。吴宓这一强调摹仿的翻译观本身也融汇了中西方文论传统,虽然吴宓熟知西方文论,且深受新人文主义影响,其对"翻译""摹仿""创造"的认识同时也汲取了中国源远流长的文本传统,且与新文化运动中后期中国文坛的翻译论争息息相关。最后,基于对吴宓"翻译亦摹仿"观的解读,本文将进一步讨论吴宓翻译思想以及对翻译概念"时间性"的思考于翻译研究的启示。


    Abstract: This article closely examines Wu Mi's discussions of the relationships between imitation, translation, and creation.Wu's views on this issue can be recapitulated as follows:literary creation begins with imitation as the first stage, translation is a beneficial way of practicing imitation, and a superb translation can be considered creation.Though it is not difficult to notice that Wu's views on the relationship between translation, imitation, and creation echo ideas in both Chinese and Western traditions, this article argues that Wu's notion of "translation as imitation" is not a mere borrowing or rehashing of existing ideas.Rather, Wu formed his own conception of translation,in the context of the 1920s cultural scene in China,through a selective integration of ideas from both traditions.In the conclusion, the author further reflects on the importance of examining the temporalities of translation, as is highlighted by Wu's notion of "translation as imitation", for translation studies.


