
A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship Between Early-Stage Interpreting and Working Memory

  • 摘要: 工作记忆一直是口译研究及口译训练所关注的主要内容,但由于工作记忆和口译本身的复杂性,两者之间的关系一直没有得到很好的研究。本文对大学英语专业接受口译训练的学生及相应的对照组学生进行了纵向跟踪研究,同时探讨两个问题:口译训练能否增强工作记忆?工作记忆能否预测口译训练绩效?两组被试在实验前进行了严格的匹配,共测试了五项工作记忆(英语听力广度、数字广度、字母活动广度、空间广度、工作记忆更新能力)。前、后测试的结果显示:1)与对照组相比,初级阶段的口译训练没有给口译组带来额外的工作记忆优势;2)训练前及训练后的二语听力广度及工作记忆更新能力显著预测了训练后的口译绩效。这些发现有助于我们了解工作记忆在初级阶段口译活动中的工作机制,并为下一步的研究提供了具体的研究方向。


    Abstract: Working memory (WM) has been part of the research focus in interpreting.However, the complexity of both WM and interpreting makes their relationship not well explored by testing two comparable groups of college English majors at the beginning and end of an academic year.The present study tries to answer two questions:Does interpreting training improve WM abilities? Can WM abilities predict interpreting performance? With a close match in the pretest, the interpreting and control groups completed five WM tasks (verbal and non-verbal span tasks and an n-back task).The pre-test and post-test results revealed that:1) Compared with the control group, the interpreting group didn't show an advantage in WM; 2) For the interpreting group, English listening span and WM updating ability in the pre-test and in the post-test significantly predicted post-test interpreting performance.These findings help explain how WM functions in early-stage interpreting.


